A downloadable project for Windows

Mandelbrot Explorer

Made with OpenGL and GLFW. You can get a visualization of a Mandelbrot set with this little program.

What is Mandelbrot Set?

Hold onto your pants, it's going to get technical:

Mandelbrot set is the set of Complex numbers that remain bounded when f(z) = z^2 + c is applied to them arbitrarily many times.

  1. Every pixel on the screen represents the complex numbers.
  2. x is real part, y is the complex part for each number.
  3. The color of each pixel represents how many times we can apply f(z) function to the complex number represented by that pixel.
  4. Since we can only work with finite numbers, we set up an integer value for the maximum iterations (used 255).
  5. Also we decide on what positive float will be the absolute value for the boundedness (used 2).


mandelbrot.zip 1.7 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run the mandelbrot.exe without deleting any zipped files.

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